What is an Apostille? Apostille meaning | Apostille Attestation

An apostille is a special stamp (international attestation) or certificate that makes a document from one country valid in another country. It's like getting confirmation that the document is legal.

An apostille is a certificate (sticker) affixed to the back of a document, issued by the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi (Patiala House Court)

Why Do We Need Apostille?

When you need to use important documents like birth certificates, marriage certificates, or school diploma or Degree in another country, that country needs to know that your documents are genuine. The apostille makes this possible without a lot of complicated checks.

First, the document you want to use abroad is checked by the official authority in your country. If everything is correct, the authority will put an apostille stamp or certificate on your document.

Now, your document can be used in any country that accepts the apostille without any extra checks.

Where is Apostille Accepted?

In 1961, countries worked together to make it possible for documents issued in one country to be legal in another country. So that people don't have to go to the embassy.

Countries that are part of the Hague Convention accept the apostille. More than 100 countries have agreed to accept apostilles.

How to Get an Apostille?

  • Make sure your document is complete and correct.
  • Take it to the official authority in your country, like the Ministry of External Affairs or a similar department.
  • Once verified, they will put the apostille stamp on it.

Following steps to get MEA Apostille on your certificates:

  1. Apply online on our digital portal.
  2. Submit your query.
  3. Collect documents at your doorstep.
  4. We will initiate the apostille/attestation process.
  5. The attested documents will be delivered to your address.
Start Your Process

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the meaning of Apostille meaning in Hindi?
    पोस्टिल एक िशषे महरु य प्रमाणपत् हैजो एक देश के दस्तावेज को दसर ू ेदे मेंमान्य बाता है। विदश मंत्रालय (MEA) केवल मलू द्तावेजों को ही एपोस्टिल लगानेकेलिए स्वीकार करत है।
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Tamil?
    Apostille உளள எந்த ஆவணமம் உண்மையா, அசல் மற்று் செல்லுபடயாகும் ஆவணமாகக் கருதப்டுகிறது.
    ரு செயல்முை அல்லது சரவதேச பயன்பாட்டு வழக்குளுக்கான அச் தன்மை மற்ும் சரியான ன்மைக்கான ஆவணங்களை அப்ோஸ்டில் சரபார்க்கிறத.
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Marathi?
    Apostille हेआतरा ं ष्ट्री प्रमाणीकरण आहे. भारताबहेर वापरण्यात येणाऱ्या कोणत्याही भरतीय दस्तऐजासाठी Apostille वश्यक आहे. Apostille असलेलेदसतऐवज खरे, मळ आणि वधै मानले जातात. Apostille प्रक्रिया तररा ं ष्ट्ीय वापरासाठी दस्तऐवजां्या मौलिकत आणि अचकतू च े खात्री करत.े
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Punjabi?
    ਅਪੋਸਟਿ ਇੱਕ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਣ ਪੱਤ ਹੈਜੋਇੱਕ ਦੇ਼ ਦੇਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਨੰ ੂਦੂਜੇਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੈਧ ਣਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Telugu?
    అపోస్టిల్ అనేదివిదేశీ ేశాలలో ఉపయగానికిపత్రల నిజాయితీి ధృవీకరించేదిఅంతర్జాీయ సర్టిఫికేషన్. ఇదిఒక ృవీకరణ ముద్రలేదా సర్టిికేట్గా పనచేస్తుంది, త్రాలు సరిగా మరియు నిజమైనదిగా అంగీరించబడేలా ిర్ధారిస్తంది.
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Malayalam?
    അപോ സ്റ്റി ൽ ഒരു ർട്ടിഫിക്കഷൻ ആയതാ ണ്, ത് നി ങ്ങളുെ രേ ഖകൾ വി ദേ ശ രാ ജ്യ ങ്ളി ൽ സ്വീ കൃതമാ യും പ്രമാ ണി ക്കപ്പെ ട്ടും ആയി ര ക്കണമെ ന്ന ഉറപ്പാ ക്ക ൻ സഹാ യി ക്കുന്നു.
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Bengali?
    অ্যপোস্টিল হল কটি বিশেষ সল যা একটি দেের নথিকে অনয দেশে বৈধ করে তোলে।
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Gujarati?
    જ તમેવિદેશ યત્રા પર જવા જઈ રહ્યા છો, ો એપોસ્ટિલ ેળવનાથી તમતમારા દસ્તાવજોને ે અન્ય દેશોમાંમાનય બનાવી શકો છો. આપોસ્ટિલ એ એક પ્રમાણત્ર છેજે તમરા દસ્તાવજને ે માન્ય બનવે છે.
  • What is the meaning of Apostille in Kannada?
    ಅಪೋಸ್ಟಿಲ್ ಎಂದರೆ ಒಂದು ದೇಶದ ದಾಖಲೆಯನ್ನು ಇನನೊ ಂದು ದೇಶದ್ಲಿಮಾನ್ಯಗೊ ಳಿಸುವ ವಿಶೇಷ ಮುದ್ರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ.