List of Hague Convention Countries
On the date of 5th October 1961, this group was formed and they made a law to legalize foreign documents. The main purpose of this law was to ensure that no one can go to overseas countries using fake documents.
For example, if you are working in an overseas country and want to take your family on a dependent visa then the authorities of that country won’t know if the marriage certificate is original or not. They don't even know if you are genuinely calling your wife on a dependent visa.
Because of these reasons, a law has been created so that you need to complete an apostille procedure marriage certificate from the home country where the document was originally issued.
So that the authorities of the foreign country can determine that the marriage certificate is original and not the wrong person is going to come on a family visa.
Most Indian people prefer to go to countries like France, Poland, Italy, Austria, Netherland, Germany, Oman, Philippines, Portugal, and Belgium based on work visas and student visas.
Even if you are going to the other countries that are part of the Hague convention countries. Here you can see the list of Hague convention countries and this information is for your general knowledge.

List of Hague Convention Countries
Albania | Andorra | Argentina | Armenia | Australia |
Austria | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Canada | Chile |
China | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic |
Denmark | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador |
Estonia | European Union | Finland | France | Georgia |
Germany | Greece | Honduras | Hungary | Iceland |
India | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan |
Jordan | Kazakhstan | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg |
Malaysia | Malta | Mauritius | Mexico | Monaco |
Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Namibia | Netherlands |
New Zealand | Nicaragua | North Macedonia | Panama | Paraguay |
Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Republic of Korea |
Republic of Moldova | Romania | Russian Federation | Saudi Arabia | Serbia |
Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Africa | Spain |
Sri Lanka | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand |
Tunisia | Turkiye | Ukraine | United Kingdom | USA |
Uruguay | Uzbekistan | Venezuela | Viet Nam | Zambia |